Differentiating your messages from competitors and resonating with relevance to your audiences are the fundamental building blocks of our approach to messaging and communications.
Our in-depth workshops will define and prioritise the most important attributes of your brand, create a compelling value proposition, develop a range of key messaging and establish key words for SEO that will all combine to elevate your profile and engage with your audience.
Whether you’re a start-up looking to find your voice, or an established player looking to expand, with over 20 years of experience in cybersecurity PR across the globe we can help you deliver your messaging in an engaging and exciting way.

Good strategy leads the messaging that leads to great coverage

Case Study Deep Instinct: ‘Dangerous Disconnects: The Pitfalls of CFO and CISO Cyber Risk Misalignment’
This project sought to examine how different stakeholders within enterprises quantify risk and the decision-making process behind paying a ransom. After hearing anecdotally that some organisations have started to add a line into their budgets for the paying of a ransomware demand, we decided to examine how well businesses plan for the possibility of a damaging cyber-attack.
We examined how proficient companies are at quantifying potential costs and how they currently seek to mitigate the potential damage. The research, which was devised and project managed by the Code Red team, was developed in two phases:
Phase One – Qualitative interviews of 30-45 minutes each with four CROs and four CFOs of mid to large sized businesses (250+ employees).
Phase Two – Quantitative research amongst 100 senior IT security decision makers and 100 senior financial decision makers.
To support the launch of the research to the media, alongside a formal press release and subsequent media interviews and thought leadership pieces, Code Red wrote an eBook and accompanying blog.
The campaign had an impact!
Insight An interview with Business and Technology journalist, Jess Twentyman
This fascinating and revealing conversation covers a wide range of topics including:
- What makes a good cyber security story
- What do you think makes a good spokesperson
- How important are face to face interviews
- How effective are after-hours events
- How can we encourage more women into IT?
- How do you deal with information overload