From straightforward, jargon-free blogs to more detailed technical discussions, we draw on years of experience in PR and journalism alongside an in-depth knowledge of cybersecurity to create clear, concise copy that will engage with your target audience and help to establish your company as an innovator and thought leader.
In today’s crowded marketplace, regularly providing high quality content is one of the most effective ways of capturing and holding the attention of prospects; our team of experienced writers work closely with your team, thought leaders and technical experts to gain a thorough understanding of the way you do business to create content that captures your unique voice and culture.
That voice can be heard through researching and writing eBooks, white papers, bylines, and campaign content that reflects your brand, is concise and delivers influence in the cybersecurity sector.

Code Red, an agency that can understand us and understand our end user

Case Study Building up Claroty as a global brand
Claroty is an industrial cybersecurity company that helps organisations to identify, manage, and protect their OT, IoT, and IIoT assets from attack. They appointed Code Red in June 2019 to use PR to build the brand in all of the markets outside of the US including the UK, France, Germany and Australia. In February 2020 Singapore was also added to the roster of countries supported.
Code Red was tasked with using PR to build awareness for Claroty globally and to educate the market about the importance of securing OT assets in SCADA infrastructure and supporting the organisation’s ambitious international growth strategy. The aim was to achieve a leading share-of-voice against key competitors Nozomi, Indegy, Dragos and CyberX.
Code Red adopted a wheel and spoke approach to centrally manage and coordinate the PR programme, whilst delivering a localised message via its local Code Red partners. The strategy was to focus on educating the market about the OT and IIoT threat and explain the differences and similarities between IT and OT security.
Building the brand outside the US
Insight Why you should beware of buzzwords
One of foundations of good content creation is the skilful use of keywords. Whether it’s media content aimed at securing coverage or marketing collateral designed to attract prospects, using the right keywords will make a big difference in the copy’s ability to gain and hold attention.
Publications, for example, naturally aim to feature popular topics that will resonate with their audiences. From short rapid response comments to full opinion articles, ensuring that media copy contains references to relevant and current terms and topics such as machine learning, ransomware and the GDPR can greatly improve its chances of catching a journalist’s attention and getting published.
Keywords are also very important for establishing a brand, and a company needs to ensure that all of its collateral uses the same words and phrases to reinforce its identify. Combining important brand words with popular talking points will also help to boost the company’s SEO results.