Five Old School PR Tactics That Will Never Go Out of Fashion
Over the past few years, the world of public relations has changed massively. Since our agency opened over 25 years ago, the speed that we send and receive information increased dramatically. In fact, according to Score, most journalists (48 percent) receive about 100 emails a day; more than one-third get about 200, and nearly 15 percent get between 250 and 499! This means that they must decide in seconds whether your pitch is of interest or not. However, by embracing some PR tactics that never go out of style, you can still secure better results.
Pick up the phone – and not just tweet!
It can seem a bit intimidating to call a journalist out of the blue to strike up a conversation, but many of them still appreciate a PR taking the time to give them a call rather than just sending across an email.
It’s one of the more personal PR tactics, and even if they might not always be interested in what you’re pitching them, you get an opportunity to find out what they are actually looking for. Not only that, but you’ll get a much quicker answer than you would waiting for a reply to your email pitch!
Go for a drink
It’s much easier to get to know someone over a coffee or a drink than via an email exchange. Be bold and ask a journalist to meet up to discuss how you can work together in the future. It is also an opportunity to showcase what your clients are up to.
Show interest in their work
This seems as though it should be an obvious one, but with the fast pace of modern working life it can sometimes feel as though you don’t have the time to do a lot of research on the journalist you’re pitching. However, doing some legwork will save you time in the long run, as you’ll have a more targeted list.
You can also reference their writing in your pitch to show why you thought this idea would appeal to them.
Show that you care
Like in any relationship, showing that you care and paying attention can make a huge impact. Whether it’s sending a little Christmas or birthday gift, a card to congratulate a journalist or client on their new baby, or simply a message to see how they’re settling into their new flat, remembering to celebrate these moments can help build a real friendship.
Keep communicating
You’ve done all this work building your relationships, now don’t forget to maintain them! Make sure to keep up with what your journalist friends are doing, how their role might be changing and how you can continue to work together effectively.
Even engaging with them on social media can ensure you’re front of mind when they’re looking for spokespeople. Particularly if you do so by sharing their work with your own network.
In a world where everything happens in the blink of an eye, taking the time to slow things down and really get to know your contacts makes a big difference, and remember that these old school PR tactics have stuck with us for good reason!