cybersecurity events

Getting Ready for Your Next Cybersecurity Event? Download our Free eBook for Top Tips To Succeed

The dust has finally settled for RSA 2023. Black Hat Asia has also just wrapped up in Singapore. But there’s no rest for the wicked, and it’s already time to prepare for the next big cybersecurity industry event. Among many others, Infosecurity Europe is on the horizon in June, and just a couple of months after that, it’s back to the US for Black Hat in Las Vegas.  

While not everyone will be globetrotting to every event, cybersecurity events should be an important part of your PR and marketing agenda for the year. From start-up to established industry leader, events offer cybersecurity vendors a powerful opportunity to get in front of prospects and existing customers, as well as meeting industry analysts and journalists.  

Whether you’re a new start-up seeking to stake your claim or an industry leader keeping your name in the game, cybersecurity industry events should be on your agenda. They offer a unique opportunity to get in front of multiple prospects and customers in one place, as well as rubbing shoulders with leading industry journalists and analysts. 


Planning for the next big cybersecurity event?

If you’re in the midst of planning your next big event, why not take a moment to check out our latest eBook? We’ve been helping cybersecurity companies thrive at events for more than two decades, and we’ve distilled some of that knowledge into an industry guide. 

Download your free copy and you’ll receive an exclusive Q&A with Gianna Whitver, CEO and Founder of the Cybersecurity Marketing Society. She provides insight on setting targets and priorities for events, choosing the right team, and practical tips on booking meeting spaces and reserving lunch spots early to wine and dine your top contacts. 

On the PR side, you’ll also find experience and advice from Code Red’s Director of Client Services, Kim Smith.  This includes creating stories that will catch journalist attention and make headlines, leveraging your contacts, preparing our spokespeople, and preparing the unexpected on the day.  

Click here to download your copy now and find out how we can make your next cybersecurity event a roaring success.  

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