Celebrating Our Global Team this 4th of July
By Sydney Drayton, Account Manager at Code Red
Happy 4th of July, everyone!
While the holiday is officially to celebrate the Declaration of Independence in 1776, for myself and many Americans, it’s really more about friends, family, and sunshine. We tend to think of it as the real start of the summer, and for me personally, it’s also the first time since the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays that my entire family gets together.
I have relatives travelling in from different parts of the country, and it always turns into a multi-day party, with BBQs, boating, beaches, fireworks, and more than a few drinks. Here in Boston, most people will be taking the opportunity to vacate their city apartments and run to the beach for the weekend.
While we’re soaking up some 4th of July sun in the US, across the pond, the team has been holding celebrations of its own as it settles into our shiny new office.
One of the greatest strengths of our global approach to PR is that we all operate as one big team. Even with the Atlantic between us, we closely collaborate and share our local knowledge and experience.
It also means our international clients are always supported when some of us are out on national holidays, as well as getting on-the-ground support for events like the recent Infosec Europe in London and the upcoming Black Hat USA in Las Vegas.
You can find out more about our global network in the US and all around the globe here. In the meantime, whether you’re raising a bottle of Sam Adams or getting some coffee for a normal Tuesday, we wish everyone a happy 4th of July.